/manager/Index en-au 5 Noxa upregulation by oncogenic activation of MEK/ERK through CREB promotes autophagy in human melanoma cells /manager/Repository/uon:19023 V600E or MEK downregulated Noxa, whereas activation of MEK/ERK caused its upregulation. In addition, introduction of BRAFV600E increased Noxa expression in melanocytes. Upregulation of Noxa was due to a transcriptional increase mediated by cAMP responsive element binding protein, activation of which was also increased by MEK/ERK signaling in melanoma cells. Significantly, Noxa appeared necessary for constitutive activation of autophagy, albeit at low levels, by MEK/ERK in melanoma cells. Furthermore, it was required for autophagy activation that delayed apoptosis in melanoma cells undergoing nutrient deprivation. These results reveal that oncogenic activation of MEK/ERK drives Noxa expression to promote autophagy, and suggest that Noxa has an indirect anti-apoptosis role in melanoma cells under nutrient starvation conditions.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:41:25 AEST ]]> RIPK1 regulates survival of human melanoma cells upon endoplasmic reticulum stress through autophagy /manager/Repository/uon:28314 Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:40:55 AEST ]]> Sustained IRE1 and ATF6 signaling is important for survival of melanoma cells undergoing ER stress /manager/Repository/uon:21386 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:05:03 AEDT ]]>